Disney's The Jungle Book Kids logo design.


The 2025 Winter Youth Musical Theatre Production Class The Jungle Book is for students 1st-9th Grade and is filled with instruction on acting, singing, and dancing. The majority of the rehearsals will be held Tuesday nights 6-7pm. Some students will be asked to stay until 8pm for some weeks.

Mandatory Tech/Dress Rehearsals for all students will be every night 6-8pm April 21-24, 2025. Performances will be scheduled weekends April 25--May 11, 2025 with Performances Fridays and Saturdays at 7pm, as well as Saturdays and Sundays at 2pm.

Please do not order tickets until you receive your specific performance schedule for your child as this production may be double cast.

Can't make the first day of class? No worries. First you must register. Then, email a video singing any song under one minute to [email protected] before January 7th and enroll right away. Enrollment is not complete until tuition is paid in full.

Everyone that enrolls in this production class before January 7th will be in the cast.

Everyone will receive a script that will be theirs to keep and bring to every rehearsal. Music tracks will be emailed and parents are asked to encourage their children to practice music and choreography at home, as well as memorize lines and lyrics at home so that rehearsals at the theatre can be most productive. Specific roles to be assigned after January 7th.

Tuition: $150 for the entire Winter 2025 Semester. 

Class: Tuesdays 6-7pm starting January 7, 2025

No tuition refund unless the entire production is cancelled.

No ticket refund unless the performance is cancelled.


Director: Jessi Gillingham

Vocal Music Director: Mo Okotie Uro

Choreographer: Kyle Meisner

Stage Manager: Randi Walker

Questions can be sent to [email protected]