Support Our Organization With Generous Donations
As a donor, you can too! Become our sponsor.
Thank you for your continued support of our community theatre non-profit charitable organization.
Donate today to keep our Stage Door open!
Thank you for your continued support!
GCT has many sponsorship opportunities for businesses. We invite you to help make the magic happen at GCT by sponsoring a show or even more for great advertising opportunities.
Dream Star $10,000 +
18 complimentary tickets, program recognition, advance ticket sale opportunities, Star Wall tribute, invitation to four opening night receptions, 2 pre show dinners for group of 4-8 at theatre, one free rental of theatre for birthday party, meeting or event, backstage tour for entire group, name on all show program covers, full page ad in all programs for a year, name on all advertising including on all printed tickets for entire year, and two VIP tickets to GCT’s annual Gala Benefit.
Producer Star $5,000-$9,999
14 complimentary tickets, program recognition, advance ticket opportunities, Star Wall tribute, invitation to two opening night receptions, pre-show dinner for group of 4-8 at theatre, backstage tour for entire group, name on all show program covers, and full page ad in all programs for a year.
Broadway Star $2,500-$4,999
12 complimentary tickets, program recognition, advance ticket opportunities, Star Wall tribute, and invitation to an opening night reception.
Shining Star $1,000-$2,499
8 complimentary tickets, program recognition, advance ticket opportunities, and Star Wall tribute.
Soaring Star $500-$999
4 complimentary tickets, program recognition & advance ticket opportunities.
Ensemble Star $200-$499
Recognition in season program & advance ticket opportunities.
Junior Star $100
Recognition in season program.
A Donate What You Can Option Is Also Available.
Payment plans are available for contributions of $1000 or more.
Benefits are available for 12 months following the actual date of donation. If you would like to become a Star Patron or Business Sponsor, please contact [email protected] or 717-334-2692, mail a check, or make donation online.
Gettysburg Community Theatre is a 501( c ) (3) non-profit organization.
EIN: 26-3739889
Education & Outreach Sponsor & Scholarship Program $10,000 +
18 complimentary tickets, recognition in program book and curtain speeches, other advance ticket sale opportunities, social media plug for business, Star Wall tribute, Sponsor banner and marketing materials displayed in theatre lobby, logo/name on show poster, program cover, tickets, show shirts. Full page ad in every program for the year, website link from theatre website, invitation to 2 opening night receptions, pre show dinner for group of 4-8 at the theatre with backstage tour for entire group, one free rental of theatre for party, meeting or reception, and 2 VIP tickets to the GCT Gala.
Season Sponsor $5,000-$9,999
14 complimentary tickets, recognition in program book and curtain speeches, other advance ticket sale opportunities, social media plug for business, Star Wall tribute, Sponsor banner and marketing materials displayed in theatre lobby, logo/name on show poster, program cover. Full page ad in every program for the year, website link from theatre website, invitation to 2 opening night receptions, pre show dinner for group of 4-8 at the theatre with backstage tour for entire group.
Series Sponsor (Children’s, Cabaret, Community Series) $2,500-$4,999
12 complimentary tickets, recognition in program book and curtain speeches, other advance ticket sale opportunities, social media plug for business, Star Wall tribute, Sponsor banner and marketing materials displayed in theatre lobby, logo/name on show poster and program covers for the series. Half page ad in every program for the year, website link from theatre website, invitation to 1 opening night reception.
Show Sponsor (Select show of your choice from our season) $1,000-$2,499
8 complimentary tickets, recognition in program book and curtain speeches, other advance ticket sale opportunities, social media plug for business, Star Wall tribute, Sponsor banner and marketing materials displayed in theatre lobby, logo/name on show poster and program covers for the series. Half page ad in every program for the year, Full page ad in the program of the show you sponsor.
Opening Night Reception Sponsor $500-$999
4 complimentary tickets, recognition in program book and curtain speeches, other advance ticket sale opportunities, social media plug for business.
ALL LEVELS RECEIVE: Curtain Speech recognition, recognition in season program & advance ticket opportunities.
Payment plans are available for contributions of $1000 or more. Benefits are available for 12 months following the actual date of donation. Gettysburg Community Theatre, Inc. is a 501 ( c )3 non-profit organization. EIN # 26-3739889
49 York Street, Gettysburg, PA 17325 717-334-2692 [email protected]

Endowment Opportunities
Please support your local volunteer theatre and keep Gettysburg Community Theatre thriving for years to come with a gift through your estate, living trust, securities, insurance policies, or retirement plan. There is an endowment fund for GCT held with the Adams County Community Foundation. Please contact Ralph Serpe to make a gift to the GCT Endowment Fund, or you can donate on their website by typing in Gettysburg Community Theatre as the fund you are donating to.
Learn more at
Donations can be made at any time to this financial need-based scholarship at any time. Checks should be made payable to "Adams County Community Foundation" with "Betsy and Hank White Endowment" in the memo. They can be sent directly to the Adams County Community Foundation, 25 South Fourth St., Gettysburg, PA 17325.
Gifts can also be made online on the Adams County Community Foundation website

Donations can be made at any time to this Merit-Based Scholarship Fund at Gettysburg Community Theatre via our website or by mailing a check to GCT with "Taylor Zimmerman Scholarship Fund" in the memo line.