The Penguin Project

Once a year, a magical and touching celebration of the human spirit unfolds at numerous theaters across the country. A group of young people in a program called The Penguin Project take to the stage to perform a modified version of a well-known Broadway musical.  These productions are unique, however, because all the main roles are filled by young artists with Special Needs including Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, autism, intellectual disabilities, learning disabilities visual impairment, hearing impairment, and other neurological disorders. 

They are joined on stage by a dedicated group of “peer mentors” – young people ages 10+ without special needs who have volunteered to work side-by-side with them in rehearsals and every performance.  By providing access to community theatre, The Penguin Project demonstrates that the challenges should not handicap a person’s ability to participate in life’s experiences.

Established in 2004, The Penguin Project has evolved into a National program, with Chapter sites throughout the United States. The program provides a supportive environment for children with disabilities to explore their creative talents.  It has also demonstrated that participation in the performing arts has therapeutic value by enhancing social interaction, communication skills, self-confidence and self-esteem. The impact of the program has reached beyond the stage to create a social network for children who previously had very few friends and limited social opportunities.

“Our penguins may not be able to fly, but that does not prevent their spirits from soaring.”

-Dr. Andrew Morgan, Founder of The Penguin Project Foundation

Wizard Of Oz Penguin Project 2018

Our 2024 Penguin Project will perform at the majestic theater!
